MOTORISTS are being warned


Jim Murray Jones

MOTORISTS are being warned they should only flash their headlights for ONE reason

Millions of drivers use the signal for a range of purposes, including letting another car out into traffic and saying thank you for waiting a turn. But according to the Highway Code drivers should only flash their lights to let other road users know they are there.

MOTORISTS are being warned they should only flash their headlights for ONE reason – and ignoring the rules could hit you in the pocket with a £1,000 fine. 

Millions of drivers use the signal for a range of purposes, including letting another car out into traffic and saying thank you for waiting a turn. But according to the Highway Code drivers should only flash their lights to let other road users know they are there. And using the signal for any other reason – such as inviting a driver to take priority if they don’t have the right of way or in an aggressive manner – could break the guidelines and lead to trouble. The Highway Code states: “Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate road users. “Never assume that flashing headlights is a signal inviting you to proceed. Use your own judgement and proceed carefully.”

Duncan McClure Fisher, founder and CEO of leading motoring association MotorEasy, said: “While flashing your headlights to gesture to a motorist they can proceed might not break the law, it’s something many drivers will do without thinking. It’s entirely possible these signs can be misread and could lead to an accident which could be costly on a number of levels. As the Highway Code sets out, it’s vital people use their judgement and proceed with caution.”

In addition to rules laid out on the Highway Code, flashing your lights at a fellow motorist to signal a speed camera or police vehicle ahead could be treated as a criminal offence. 

Section 89 of the Police Act 1997 makes it against the law to ‘wilfully obstruct a police officer’ in the execution of their duty.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service, examples of the type of conduct which may constitute the offence include “giving a warning to other motorists of a police speed trap ahead”. 

If found guilty, the maximum fine a motorist can receive is £1,000. 

Mr McClure Fisher added: “What may be considered a friendly warning to other drivers can actually have consequences. Speed cameras and police officers are there to keep everyone safe so it’s vital they are respected.”

For more information, please contact Jim Murray Jones at

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