Worst places to run out of fuel


Jim Murray Jones

Worst places to run out of fuel

ROAD experts have revealed the worst places to run out of petrol in the UK as the country faces another week of panic at the pumps.

ROAD experts have revealed the worst places to run out of petrol in the UK as the country faces another week of panic at the pumps.

Around 90 per cent of private filling stations have run dry due to the fuel crisis, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to deploy the Army to drive tankers and help keep the country moving. The worrying situation means many office staff are back to working from home and officials are urging the public only to join the long queues at forecourts if they really need to. Now car boffins at leading motoring association MotorEasy have unveiled the top five WORST places to conk out due to a lack of petrol or diesel.

Duncan McClure Fisher – founder and CEO of MotorEasy, which offers a range of warranties, plus GAP insurance and breakdown cover – said: “It’s been a worrying time for motorists recently, with the controversial introduction of the new E10 biofuel and now the fuel crisis.

“Stories of drivers sleeping their cars overnight so they are first in line to fill up and huge queues waiting to pump the £30 maximum many filling stations have imposed are obviously a concern for those needing to get around.

“But by being sensible and only filling up when required, most people should be able to ride out the storm without too much concern.

“If you do run out of fuel, there are definitely worse places than others to be stranded – and having suitable breakdown cover will ensure you are back on the road as soon as possible.”  

Here are MotorEasy’s five worst sports for a fuel-related crisis:


The London to Birmingham motorway that passes Oxford appears at first sight to be far from an unfortunate place to be stranded – but looks can be deceiving.

That’s because there are long stretches between junctions and not all have slip road access.

For example, the gap between Junctions 9 and 8 on the southbound carriageway is a whopping 14 miles, and seems to take an age to drive.

So if you run out of gas and the traffic is heavy, you could be in for a long wait.

Plus it’s a motorway and no-one enjoys being marooned on the hard shoulder.

Lindisfarne Causeway, Northumberland

The stunning destination of Holy Island remains a huge draw for tourists – but one that comes with a warning before you set off.

The island features a castle and the remains of a priory that housed some of England’s earliest Christian monks.

But to get there you have to navigate a causeway only passable at low tide, and failing to follow the rules means you risk joining the average statistic of one vehicle a month that gets wet.

The lowest point of the causeway is only 3.5 metres above sea level at low tide, which doesn’t leave a lot of room for error.

It therefore should not be attempted two hours before the highest point of the tide and three hours after.

Seeing the needle hit zero in the middle of this unique three-mile stretch of road is not definitely advised.

A821, Stirling, Scotland

The remote but picturesque A821 route is only open between March and October to avoid the worst of the winter weather conditions.

But even during that time only around 400 vehicles per day set tyres on its tarmac.

Also known as the Duke’s Pass, it winds through the stunning Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park region.

Due to the lack of traffic and isolated position, it’s not a great place to use your last drop of petrol.

A44, Ceredigion, Wales

Another sparsely-used route, the A44 climbs out of the pretty town of Aberystwyth and up into the Cambrian Mountains in mid Wales.

The breathtaking valley views are something to behold – you may have to remind yourself to keep your eyes on the road as the postcard-worthy scenery gets better around every corner – and there’s also a dramatic waterfall at Devil’s Bridge.

However, it’s one Hell of a remote place to get stranded.

B3357, Dartmoor, Devon

The wildest open area of remote countryside in southern England, Dartmoor is also the location of gruelling special forces training exercises.

So if your tank runs dry on this winding route, it might feel like one of those severe interrogations you see on SAS: Who Dares Wins.

There’s also the spectre of Dartmoor Prison nearby. Hardly the backdrop to a pleasant wait for someone with a jerry can.


For more information, please contact Jim Murray Jones at m.murrayjones@motoreasy.com.

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