Risk Management & Underwriting

Risk Management & Underwriting

Our risk management is underpinned by 25-years access to first party claims and workshop data. Its a tightly regulated and reactive regime that supports and underwrites both our own products and our partners.

Our business performance is the product of more than 25-years’ experience modelling data and risk. With first party access to both claims and detailed workshop repairs, we're able to offer an integrated business model with a rare insight across the car ownership value chain. It's a lens onto vehicle reliability, human risk factors and short-term, emergent repair cost issues.

Using bespoke proprietary underwriting software, we record, monitor and analyse scheme performance in real time. Earning profiles are modelled, optimised and backed by reactive speed-to-market decision making.

It’s a framework that manages risk to minute detail, adjusting granular pricing decisions across driver profiles and vehicle derivative, feature and parts cost details.

Trusted and monitored

All our schemes are reviewed by an underwriting committee that meets on a monthly, making tactical sales and pricing decisions that capitalise on market movements according to search engine and broader market demand.

Should our committee identify areas of concern or deviation from target loss ratio, remedial action is immediate.

Partner Underwriting and Support

Our risk management process and goverance gives us the confidence and capability to deliver a robust framework for our partners. It's a model that gives them the ability to sell our product based on our own target performances, or to adjust pricing to drive volume or accommodate differential margin.Importantly, it's a model that gives us the confidence to use our own capitive funds to underwrite risk for our partners. 

It's a flexible framework that gives partners the option to re-sell products backed by both insured or captive funds. The latter supporting more nuanced decision-making on claims and customer goodwill payments.

It's a framework that helps to drive customer satisfaction and is a key factor in how our own brand, Motoreasy, has earned its highly prized Trustpilot 5-star "Excellent" rating.


To find out more about our risk management and partner re-sell model, please contact partners@intelligentmotoring.com 

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